Discussing Marriage Library

What is marriage? Why is the topic such a contentious issue in modern day politics? Why should we support traditional marriage, or oppose same-sex marriage? On this website, we attempt to respond to these questions and more. Our hope is that this website will help bring these arguments to light, and provide people with the resources to understand them. The purpose of this site is also to inject humility into the conversation on both sides of the issue. Reasoned, measured, and respectful dialogue is possible with regards to marriage.

Where to Start

The Conjugal and Revisionist Views of Marriage

Is marriage intrinsically connected to procreation, or is it the pinnacle of adult romance?

Arguments for Man-Woman Marriage Policies

Why should we support traditional marriage?

The Argument from Crucial Distinction

How is marriage meaningfully distinct from other relationships?

The Argument from Public Interest

Why should the government formalize some relationships, but not others?

The Argument from Marital Norms

How might formalizing same-sex marriage undermine vital marriage norms?

The Argument from Limited Government

How might formalizing same-sex marriage jeopardize human liberty?

The Argument from Parental Ideal

Do children have a moral right to their biological father and mother?

The Argument from Child Welfare

Do children tend to fare better when raised by their biological father and mother?

The Argument from Child Commodity

Does third-party reproduction exploit women and turn children into market commodities?

New The Argument from Religious Freedom

Will same-sex marriage jeopardize religious freedom?

Responding to Differing Views

Why do some people support same-sex marriage? How do we respond?

The Objection from Bigotry

Are those who oppose same-sex marriage bigots?

The Objection from Bandwagon

Are those who oppose same-sex marriage on “the wrong side of history”?

The Objection from Infertility

Does internal consistency require those who oppose same-sex marriage to also oppose the marriages of infertile couples?

The Objection from Libertarianism

Should the government get out of marriage altogether?

The Objection from Contract

Should marriage be treated just as any other contract?

The Objection from Research

Does research prove that same-sex parenting is just as ideal?

The Objection from the Separation of Church and State

Does traditional marriage impose religious beliefs on others?

New The Objection from Interracial Marriage

Is banning same-sex marriage the same as banning interracial marriage?

New The Objection from Benefits

Don’t gay couples deserve the legal benefits of marriage?

New The Objection from Humanism

Do man-woman marriage policies consign gay people to loneliness?

New The Objection from Rational Basis

Do man-woman marriage policies pass the rational basis test?

New The Objection from Due Process

Do man-woman marriage policies violate the due process clause of the 14th Amendment?

Philosophical Debates

Here, we explore some of the competing philosophical worldviews that inform and shape both sides of the marriage debate.

The Conjugal and Revisionist Views of Marriage

Is marriage intrinsically connected to procreation, or the pinnacle of adult romance?

Natural Law vs. Legal Positivism

Should we focus on what the law is, or what it ought to be?

Expressive Individualism vs. Christian Discipleship

Is our highest duty to the self or to God?


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